Feeding Frenzy Part Two

The Great Tits have been in and out of the post box all morning so they had to be the blip for today. I had a great view of them too-ing and fro-ing whilst I was hanging up my washing in the carport.  I'd tried to get some shots then but they were so shaky that I decide to try again. So armed with a a little stool and a cup of tea I waited. This isn't perfect as I've cropped it and I didn't manage to get the catch light in it's eye, but you can see a grub in it's beak. I think it's the female because I can't see the black stripe under the tail.

The theme for Mono Monday next week will be HERITAGE and the tag is mm120. I quite like this definition from oxforddictionaries.com, but please feel free to interpret it as you wish.

Valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions, unspoiled countryside, and historic buildings that have been passed down from previous generations: the richness of our diverse cultural heritage a sense of history and heritage.

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