
By briocarioca

Bells and bees

The pretty, bell-shaped flowers grow round the starter's hut at the club - can anyone tell me what they are? The bees take a strange approach to them - rather than taking nectar from the 'clapper' part of the bell, which shows in the extra photo, they make a hole in the green part at the top. Odd.
An early start this morning and a quick run up to the hills for a 9 a.m. tee time. By the time I’d faffed about, I was two minutes late on the tee, which earned me a 2-stroke penalty and lost me fourth place and a golf ball in the competition. Never mind, both HH and I got round 18 for the first time in a while (in different groups) and it was a perfect day. My partners were Hiroji and Maria Clara (extra photo). Hiroji does all the hard work of keeping this monthly “Friendship Cup” going - and also has a wonderful sense of humour, so he’s great fun to play with. MC is around 14 and very shy, but a pleasure to watch.  She’s only been playing just over a year, but achieved a first handicap was 23 – not bad!

After lunch and 1 1/12 caipirinhas, I went in search of a bird I’d seen earlier that I wasn’t familiar with. I found a pair of them, rather hidden in long grass – but better still, having lost two balls to the river this morning, I found two rather better ones to take their place.
Now that she has no playmate, Kayla goes mad when she sees us, tearing round the garden at top speed, even after her walk. As HH doesn’t think it’s a good idea to bring her into the house (I’m sure she was an indoor dog before we adopted her) and take her back and forth to Rio with us, I must hurry up and find her a companion. All the candidates I had in mind have disappeared (with so many strays longing for a home, it would seem a crime to buy a dog).

P.S. Many thanks to admirer, for naming the flower - it's called Abutilon.

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