I'd buy it

It is lashing stair rods - straight down, vertical and heavy and I suspect elsewhere is enjoying brilliant sunshine. It's my fault, I just got out the summer wardrobe, such as it is!

And yes, I'm cheating  a little for this photo was taken yesterday but I couldn't resist it. I skidded to a halt and pulled into the verge, standing in the middle of the road to take some photos. Fortunately the roads were very quiet. I just love the colours, it all oozes charm and I went through the little gate to take some close ups of the windows (of course). Then a little wander down the side and the backdoor was open! A riot of colour within, some rather funky if dilapidated 50s curtains, a painting of the Bleeding heart and a warm atmosphere. It could make a delightful home and begs to be loved.
Many thanks to serpent for doing her four weeks hosting the DS challenge, next week Marlieske takes over.

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