It had to be yellow

Glorious weather and I knew I wanted to post a picture of the yellow fields we have around us, so that's what you've got.

I forgot to say yesterday that if JJ had driven up to Nottingham on his own he'd have probably done the whole journey in 1st gear, forgetting it isn't an automatic.  I'm so pleased I went with him.

For those of you who have followed me for a long time, you may remember that we had problems with our house alarm (which we don't use, but don't tell anyone).  We decided to start going through all the numbers to find the one that may have been used in the past.  Well we did find it but thought we would finish the exercise to see if there were any more that had been set.  We've had a bit of a lay off and not been as diligent as we could, but I'm pleased to say we only have about another three hundred numbers to go.  With a bit of effort we could be finished this coming week.  I'll let you know.

The Red Arrows have just gone over.

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