
By LeeAnne

Dom the duck...

This is my free Apex duck. I called him Dom. He's been round London, taken a jolly to Brighton, had a trip on the sleeper and now he's hanging around in my bathroom. I think he's been kissing naughty girls when I've not been looking though cause his lips are a little scarred. I decided today while I've been very busy doing lots of nothing that it's wrong for Dom duck to be cooped up, especially given the size of my palatial bathroom, he might get lost or take a nose dive down the pan. So along with the rest of the shite I insist on carrying round in my giant handbag, Dom is coming too!

Well I think he needs an alternative calling in life since he face plants the water in the bath as soon as he takes a dip. Not ideal when you're a duck!

So, this morning I went out to see if Bertie (Gem decided on the name and gender) was still in the garden... I figured it would be better to look in daylight rather than when I was outside in the bushes in the middle of the night with a torch. No sign of her so I'm telling myself that her Mum came down and picked her up and whisked her back up to the comfort of her nest on the roof. Then she got a proper telling off for falling down the chimney! I doing want to hear any suggestion that Mr Fox licked his lips!

I've done nothing else today. I had a bit of a head earlier so I'm sitting in the dark watching TV. I watched We Bought a Zoo earlier. Made me blub like a girl. Caught up with The Killing and now I've moved on to Wallander. Lovely.

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