Tiny Tuesday : : Verbena Bonariensis

I introduced Anne to Aztek Mochas this morning. I think she would be as addicted as I am if she didn't live in Oregon.

I was distressed to discover that Chris, the homeless man I have written about before has been moved. I'm quite sure he wouldn't have moved himself, but today there was no sign of him. He and all of his possessions were gone, and I will probably never know where. At least in my last conversation with him, I encouraged him to get back on the list for housing and he agreed that he 'probably should'. I will never know exactly what it was about him that I liked, other than the fact that he liked to read….

We got home just in time to meet OilMan and Harold after their golf game  for lunch. The weather has improved greatly and we were able to go to VJB and sit outside in their pleasant patio. Anne and I got there first and spent a few minutes discussing why our husbands play golf since all they do is complain about how terrible their game was. 

Perhaps the translation might be that they can't play the same way as they did when they were in college together. It doesn't seem that fun is part of the equation. Anne and I agreed that we would find something else to do rather than continue to play a game we didn't enjoy for reasons that we couldn't articulate.

It's probably hopeless to expect a couple of engineers to search their psyches for a comprehensible explanation.

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