Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

It's a Deer!!!

To say I'm overwhelmed by the response to yesterday's blipday blip wouldn't be enough.

I owe you all a pint (that's a pint each - not one between you). Or a glass of wine if you prefer.

~Prosecco? You'd prefer Prosecco? Fine - I can do that.

~Yes Gin too. With tonic. Lemon and ice? errrr.

~And you - you're not old enough to drink! I can get you a Coke? Errr yes, a nice of cup of tea coming right up.....

~Woooahh there... what do you mean you don't like me buying your wife a drink? (She didn't mind last week!) Joking!!! No no I'm not trying to be funny? No I didn't look at your wifes...

Truly - thanks blipfolk for the response to the photo and my blipday - I really am touched. I'll be catching up and responding individually as soon as I can.



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