The Path to Blip Magic

I've never been much of a morning person at the best of times, but this is getting ridiculous. It's taking hours in the morning for my head to get into any kind of gear. I'm in a routine of walking up this path most days as part of the waking up process. It's just a couple of minutes stroll from home. At the top, where it meets the pine trees that skirt the edge of Hangingstone Quarry, is a very special place. Three favourite shots since my accident (Surreal, Hanging Snow and Perspective) have all been taken from this spot. I checked today and I'm pretty sure that each of them were taken from exactly the same place, certainly to within a stride in any direction. It's quite remarkable really. This shot will give you a bit more of a context.

It had been a tiring day so I arrived home looking forward to some quiet time and an early night. Reached in my pocket for my keys and they weren't there. A thorough search proved that I hadn't got them. I left them at the office. The spare was still with Forrest so it was back down the hill, and a train into Leeds to be reunited with them. So much for my restful evening! 

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