
After we got back from ballet, she decided to play with her ball outside for a while. This often involves many trips out to retrieve it from over the fence. It's been said to me several times recently "is there anything she's not good at?" I would have to admit that possibly ball skills are on that list. She's getting better, to be fair to her, but she's not good. And its probably my fault, because I totally suck with a ball, it's not an area of her development on which we spent a huge amount of time. But she loves going out and bouncing her ball around. Aside from cartwheeling, it's one of her favourite current garden games. 

She was a happy little miss after school- she came out to an email from her B. She's survived the first week of 5 without music lessons and is working super hard to impress her on her return. Before school practice was just short of 90 minutes. Including starting a new duet that we are both enjoying. We each learnt our parts over the course of today and we had a go at it together for the first time after ballet! 

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