Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy


Inspired by Kate.

Oh to be totally carefree like this. Although I'm on holiday, I've woken for the last three nights through the early hours fretting about school stuff, mostly stuff I've already done!!!! Gonna take a while to get it all out of my head I think.

An early one today - Jnr Snr has been taken out for the whole day by one of her friends, and the rest of us are off to Sheffield in a minute to get Mrs H's pot taken off her arm. Just in time for the Cornwall trip :-D

iPAD users: in case you've not seen it (I only came across it last night) there is a FANTASTIC iOS app for Blip written by h that is making blipping on the iPad a joy. The website is great on a desktop, but a pain on the iPad when navigating and browsing the categories. This app is an absolute beauty, and as the API (will hopefully) includes more functionaility it will only get better. I can't say how impressed I am with it - love it already.

EDIT: suggestions for tomorrow's mood/emotion welcome

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