Flower Friday : : From the Kitchen

I published this as an extra when we bought  a bag at the Farmers' Market on Sunday. Since we ate it, and it was delicious, and we won't be able to buy more until Sunday, I'm cheating a bit and putting it up as my Flower Friday entry. After all, it does fit the challenge….In addition to baby lettuce, it contained nasturtium, carnation, pansy, snapdragon, calendula, viola and several other blossoms (or deconstructed blossoms.) Perhaps you can identify more.

I don't know why migratory birds can fly thousands of miles and find their way to last year's nest, but can't find their way out of our garage without braining themselves on the window. I came home today to find a titmouse on the windowsill peeping pathetically. I opened both garage doors and got out of the car which sent it into a frenzy of bashing into the window. By the time I came back with a long handled feather duster to try to guide it toward the door the poor wee thing had fallen to the floor in extremis. We are going to need a birdie burial plot if this keeps up. It won't need to be very big. The bigger birds fly into the windows too, but they usually survive. They do leave an imprint of themselves and their outstretched wings. Moises, our window washer calls them 'angels'

Update: OilMan just came in to say the titmouse is gone from the protected place outside where he put it to see if it recovered. I feel a lot better. I have a special fondness for titmice and I think this one was a fledgeling.

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