Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Had to do it...

After debating with myself what to post today, I finally decided that it really had to be a hummingbird.  There are two males around, so the chasing and chattering has already begun.  Although I can't tell them apart, I've named them P-Hummie and Attila the Hummie.  Seems fitting.  Ounce for ounce, these are the fiercest birds in the sky.  

I went to my favorite nursery this morning and spent more than I intended but came home very happy.  Lots of red salvia, which the hummers love, as well as various other nectar/pollen plants for the hummers and pollinators.  I spent several extremely satisfying hours in the garden planting things, getting very dirty in the process!.  I had to stop because I was too close to the bluebird box and the parents were getting nervous.  

And speaking of the bluebirds... I had a heart-stopping moment when I saw a house sparrow fly up to the box and stick his head in.  I jumped up and waved my arms, and he left.  House sparrows are known for killing baby and even adult bluebirds in order to take over the nest box.  I am sincerely hoping that the fact that I have several other suitable boxes around will deter them from trying to take over the bluebird's nest.  I've never personally seen the aftermath of such an attack but I am told that it is really awful.  It is actually legal to trap and kill house sparrows since they are an introduced species, but I could never do that.  I must just hope they chose another spot to nest.

There are chipmunks running all over the patio right now and judging from their size and lack of fear, they are all recently "fledged" youngsters.  Two of them ran right across my feet as I was standing on the patio this afternoon - silly things.  Kind of glad the foxes aren't around at the moment as these chippies wouldn't last long.  

I'm headed out early tomorrow morning to meet up with a friend who moved to Delaware a couple of years ago - she's up visiting family this weekend, so we'll get out for a couple of hours of "warblering".  She's a lovely woman and I'm looking forward to seeing her. And hopefully we'll both get some good shots of warblers!

Two other shots from today, both under consideration for my blip until I decided on the hummer - A very limber and daring bee and Tender moment with house finches

Happy Saturday, people.


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