Tête de la Cicle

Awoken early by the worst bout of pain BIH* has yet delivered it was at least some relief to see it was heading for being a glorious day.
We weren't keen to drive far as I involuntarily close my eyes each time I wince, but fortunately we have glorious right on our door step. We decided we'd follow le Bon Nant up to Le Balme, or at least as far as till the snow stopped us. Being out seems to help the head, so we packed a picnic and we were on our way. The GR was busy up to the gorge, but after that we hardly saw a soul. Emerging at the alpages at Rollaz the fields were a carpet of  croci, which I've tried to show in the extra, interspersed with  Alpine Snowbells and Colts Foot.
We stopped somewhere around the 1900m contour and ate our lunch on a rock warmed by the sun watching the clouds dancing across the cliffs of the Rochers Rouge & Franches and listening (but not seeing) to the calls of marmots. When it was finally time to move on the panorama from the Tré la Tête to Mont Joly provided the homeward entertainment.
BIH? - see yesterday.

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