
By cowgirl


Sav and I spent the morning in Nottingham, spending his birthday vouchers and having a breakfast at a restaurant chain called Bills. Nice place though, despite being a chain venture.

In the afternoon, Sav went off to Preston for a night shift. In this new job he gets a hotel for the night, so goes earlier to have a sleep there. After the job he can have another sleep and a breakfast before he has to check out and drive home. Nice! Well, apart from having to work through the night!

I took myself off up to the farm, where Emma was just tacking up Jack for another lesson. The grass had grown quite long since I last watched her ( 2 weeks ago ) but Jack seems to have come on a bit, although Em said that 4 days off due to the bad weather had put him back. Still, physically he's showing signs of developing, or should I say defining, his muscles.

For me it's just 'chicken soup for the soul' standing in a field I've known for many years, watching a girl I've known all her life, birds singing, sun shining, nature Springing ... What more could make the day more perfect?

Chips, with cheese and tomatoes followed by plum crumble maybe?! Oh yes, that would do it!

On my way home I dropped in at Mary and Alex's house. They're not well, banged up with colds, so we're fast asleep, as was their dad ( " I'll just take Alex up " - then he fell asleep himself! ), so Rachel ( also known her all her life ) and I had a good old chin wag, looked at photos and half watched Eurovision ( not so good this year, I felt ) til way past our bedtimes.

Perfect Saturday!

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