Raucous Rooks

Chasing the Redkite away from their nests.

The paragliding Dinner we were guests at last night was very good. Great food and lots of new people to talk too, mostly about flying!! And Mr T's gone flying today, not in a harness with a duvet/canopy over his head but in a more substantial affair, namely a Sailplane glider.

I've had a quiet day down at the caravan park, a little walk in the afternoon waiting patiently by the bridge over the river in the hope of seeing another or even some more Dippers, but alas they only gave me a quick fly past, similar to Mr T who was flying right overhead at the time and giving us all a very nice aerial display!

As it's been a very good soaring day I don't expect he'll be leaving the Club too early so our dinner will be flexible, which means I've got more time to get on with my book - The Lewis Man: the second book in Peter May's trilogy ...... it's very exciting. 

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