Nø 2,000

I have been aware for some time that I was approaching this number. Had I not been aware, Blip ensured that I would be alert to it by so informing me a few days ago. I was fortunate in that on my way to work this morning, the sun was beginning to rise above the horizon, the sky was wonderfully coloured, and I had somewhere appropriate to stop and get a photo that in a number of ways could be seen to summarise the past five and a half years.

It is a landscape.
It is a sunrise (although sunsets have also featured frequently).
It shows my city of Auckland.
The Sky Tower has been featured a number of times.
A bird had been sitting on the wires and left as I got ready to take the photo. As they do.
I took this photo in the process of going about my usual activities, as have been so many photos.

I have included as an extra for today, a photo of a photo I took in Rome almost 16 years ago; in September 2000. On Mother’s Day (Sunday a week ago), daughter C posted a few photos of my darling S. Two were taken when she was with us on a holiday which began after a conference in Florence and ended with a conference in Amsterdam. Not only were they good photos of S, they reminded me of a really happy time.

So I looked in the appropriate album; that being my pre-digital phase. When we went to see St Peter’s, I saw the cathedral reflected in S’ sunglasses. Told her I wanted a photo of her, and took this photo. It was weeks before I knew that I had captured what I saw. 

In a number of ways photography was simpler then. I was happy being a recorder of what we did, and while always conscious of getting the best photo I could, I had no great expectations. Being the days of film, I took fewer photos, and therefore concentrated carefully when I took one. The delay to seeing the outcome did mean it was harder to learn how to improve, although that also meant I felt less pressure to get it right.

Happily this morning’s photo was taken quickly without reference to the end result except to ensure that I had included the front of the old villa on the right. 

The past 1,999 photos include many of which I am proud. One day I hope to create some books of various choices. I did enjoy making the bird book for my mother-in-law and the tractor book for my Blue Mountains based grandson. Blipping daily for almost five and a half years has helped me improve my eye, and my skill. There is still far to go.

Most of all, though, Blip has meant friendships with people in many different places. Friendships based on a shared love of photography, and (somewhat surprisingly when I first became aware of it) a shared view of how the world should function for the well being of all. Your photos hold appeal and pleasure for me, and so often your words touch me and encourage me and energise me. 

I have been an infrequent commenter since starting full time work in the inpatient unit. Days like today where I left for home almost ten hours after arriving, while not the norm, are not uncommon. I promise myself that I will find some way to contain and control this, without diminishing what I can do for those I am charged with helping. I look forward to more time to enjoy your journals, and am glad that the community has found a way to enable us all to continue blipping. 

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