When I was Three...

Dear Diary,
Another birthday and another chance to stroll down memory lane except I have no real memories of being three...just this old photograph. I had to repair a small tear in it and while I was at it, I added a whisper of color and a quote I love because although we may not have strong memories from this far back we do remember how days,  weeks, months and years seemed so much longer than they do now.

Someone explained that phenomenon to me once.  When I was three, one year was a third of my life...now it is only 1/67th of my life.  No wonder the years fly by!  Next month it will be 6 years since I retired and it seemed like only yesterday that I was packing up my tiny apartment to move "home".

I do have one strong memory from a birthday morning long, long ago.  I was probably 5 or 6 at the time.  We lived across from an apple orchard that was in full bloom on my birthday.  I awoke to see a wondrous sight out my bedroom window.  The apple trees were dusted with a light snow that looked like diamonds for a short time before it melted.  It was 28F this morning here but no heavy frost.  My apple trees are just starting to bloom. I hope last nights cold temperatures didn't hurt them.  Some memories are impervious to the ravages of time.  I can still see those frosted apple trees quite clearly in my minds eye.

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