Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Westmorland violet

No, I've not gone crazy, of course this kind of violet isn't really called 'Westmorland', it's just that's how I know it.  My mum was given a plant by a Westmorland friend.  It has these lovely dark leaves and stems.  It spread all over her and my dad's garden and a few years ago I begged for a plant and now it's spread all over mine.  Do I mind?  Not likely!  They have special status and can rampage wherever they like, over the borders and through the grass.

Anyway, I was doing some tidying of them and decided it would make a perfect TinyTuesday.  The glass it's in - you may recognise it - is my old minim glass, originally made and engraved to measure drops of medicine.  Phew, those were the days!  You probably get the scale of it from the size of the flower, but it's less than a centimetre in diameter.

So that's me for today.  At choir tonight, but will comment in and out of that.  Thanks so much to Beckett for hosting TT this week.

Enjoy your evening  xx

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