
By ciorstain

Almost away again ....

Oh man, what a day! 
So busy and did not get round all the things I need to do :(.
I am feeling stressed and not on top of things. I do not like that feeling.
Tomorrow I am on my way to Hong Kong again.
I still need to pack but have not had a minutes to think about what to pack yet.
I went out to the shops at half 5. Wanted some fish for tonight.
Aldo, my fishmonger was chatty and asked loads of questions about photography. I wanted to get back to work as soon as possible but felt bad to cut him short. 
So I decided to use him for my blip, so that this task is done at least ;)

I will try to relax now and do the rest in the morning. Tonight I will be useless.
All will be good when I am at the airport and can at least relax (for far to many hours ) in an aircraft (in economy of course).

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