horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Me? Winning???

Well, I can't quite believe what happened at the LoveCross event in Peebles tonight... Erm. I was in  the winning relay pair. That just doesn't sound right, so here goes again. WE WON!

My partner for the evening, Thomas Mitchell, was a last minute replacement, and it turns out he's rather quick on a bike (he's in the second extra, hopping the bales that I'm hurdling above). Though I did at least manage to hold my own I think. As the first named rider I started us off in a Le Mans style, with a 100ish yard dash to the bikes. Halfway along I was at the front alongside another couple, and quite comfortable, and just thought 'sod it' and put on the sprint. First to the bikes, first in the saddle, first to the first hay bales, first over. Chain stuck, gah, second to the tyres (yes... tyres...) and through the zig-zags. As I hit the first changeover another two had snuck by, but were just just just in front.

Then Tom hit the afterburners, his first lap putting us in front. Somehow I held that lead on my second lap, despite forgetting to 'dib' my timing chip, and having to ride back 15 yards to do so. The pattern was maintained. Tom would scorch, and I would hold (though I was told on later laps I was pulling out our lead slightly as well).

As Tom headed round on our tenth lap I was hoping that would be the chequered flag. But there was time for me to have to put in one more effort. It was only now that I actually believed we could win this. Up to that point I was thinking, I can hold us to top three here I reckon... But now I could afford to be a little careful on the dismounts and remounts (though again this was apparently where I had been making a lot of time on people), pushed on where I could, and as I hit the last climb suddenly thought "I don't know how to do this..." i.e. celebrating as you cross the line.

Arms in the air. Job done (well, save I had to cross the last bale hurdles).

Clearly the commute training is working (though it obviously also helps to have a cracking partner).

And I still can't believe it. Even with the Prosecco prize sitting in my bag at my feet, and a celebratory beer indulged in.

Tomorrow's commute is going to hurt...

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