horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

The Van Halen Spider

Zebra Spider, aka the Jumping Spider. I watched through the macro as it lined up a couple of jumps, but never quite managed to get the almost instantaneous gap-crossing in action. Still, nice to see, it has been a wee while. I think this was a female, patrolling a massive area of the wall (for her size, these chaps are maybe 3mm long).

Things I have learned today:

There are Reed Buntings in the scrubland area of the business park where I work;
You can make mats for car footwells out of old bike tyres;
There's a brake/rear light out on the old Mini;
The LoveCross event that I was victorious in (in the two-person relay event) last year is being held on a Saturday this year while I'm away on holiday.

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