
By LeeAnne


At the Dower House no less!

The view of the Meadows, a sight which would increase my blood pressure somewhat, were I to live in such a pretty spot. Prime time people watching for sure but there's no doubt I'd be shouting like a fishwife through those railings at the scoundrels who leave their litter at their arse and piss behind the trees!

A lovely afternoon with my surrogate Mum, so lovely in fact that we completely lost track of time. HL stuck his head out the door and announced that it was indeed teatime and we had talked the hind legs off a couple of donkies. I bid LadyF farewell and wandered off through the pretty gardens with my newly acquired books.

I have some back blipping to get on with when I find a spare moment. When one wishes to be busier at work, one should indeed be careful of what exactly one wishes for!

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