Friday flower

Well what a difference 24 hours make. The bug has left the building, BFC are at Wembley again, England are doing well in the test and Yorkshire hero Jonny Bairstow gets 140 and it's the weekend. Life after a week has resumed something of a 'normal' status.

What a night last night. The crowd sang its heart out and BFC were magnificent,s coring early and simply overwhelming Walsall. In the end the margin overall was 6-1 pretty much a hammering, the downside is we won't be able to go to Wembley. My children take me away for a birthday treat every year and it has been booked for the same weekend. We shall have to find a TV!

Lazy weekend and hopefully some cricket to watch.

Have a great time everyone and thanks for keeping my spirits up this past week, it has been a trying one but now feels consigned to the past (for now!)

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