
By patrona


I have noticed a growing number of people on the site are starting to explain their photographs, abstract, impressionistic, thoughts, dreams, remembrances. this one of mine today is symbolic.

The title gives it away, life is a battleground just now, a constant procession of skirmishes, fights, struggles just to maintain an everyday life. i hasten to add these are pinpricks rather than major wounds, the nipping of mosquitoes not the bite of the tetse fly. However the constant irritations set against a background of prickly heat lead to bad humour and snappiness in some people.

From the lack of wheels because the Jeep garage can't stir themselves on a friday afternoon, to the impossibility of prising teenagers out of bed to join family lunches, through the aspiring mountains of the molehills that are caused by travel arrangements in general and Ryanair in particular, to the unreliability of students, internet dropping,electricity supply fading, the fear of immolation in the worst fires for 25 years sweeping down from the frontier and only being stopped 25 kilometres away, pension providers who give false information and bugger up ones cash flow for the next five years, pompous self satisfied self obsessed dieters, forget them they will be reading this.

Add a daughter who consistently hammers you on the chess board, always nabbing your queen at the very moment you are about to launch your mate move, sons who run you ragged on the badminton court, dragonflies that won't pose, hedgehogs that disappear, and you will realise why I am looking forward to three weeks of peace in Scotland with perhaps the chance to meet new friends and catch up with the less irritating old ones.

Right then Kp to k4, this time victory will be mine ...........

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