
I think this could be from Norway...
Perhaps the mountains and the feeling it might be a fjord....

Well, it's just Alicante shot from our balcony once again. But the view is just stunning.

It's getting hot in here. Tomorrow the temperature will rise to 29°C if the forecast is correct. Then we go back to 24° and 26° max and on Wednesday it could be 32°. Luckily we have the pool in the community. That's too hot to walk to the beach. I haven't yet swum in the Mediterranean. It's been too cold and now it feels a long way to walk to the beach. Mind you coming back is up hill all the way 3,5km. I'm starting feel like fainting at times even that I try to drink all the time, so it feels a bit unsafe to go all that way in the heat. And we do have to walk to the grocery store to get food. This morning we walked 7km to get food from the better (bigger) stores. The near by supermarkets are not that super. But you do get your eggs and milk and booze (if you like) from them. Well for eggs we had to walk to the further one.

Nelson had his check up today. If the wound continues to heel we don't have to go back anymore. If not, we will. But it does look good now. He could be without the bandage if he wouldn't lick it all the time. So I tape my sock over it to keep it cleaner but hopefully airier. When we go walk outside he can be barefoot as he's too busy to do other things than tend to his paw.

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