Timeless Fun

I spent this morning bottling another batch of beer - so I now have replenished my stocks! Should keep me going for a little while.

After lunch I went to visit our son - to fix his shower and sort out a drain problem! I took Finlay with me so that he could get to meet son's dog Milo again, I need them to be used to each other as Milo is coming to stay for a few days in a couple of months time.

I popped to Wetherby for my blip - and found this young couple skimming stones under the bridge. The water level is so low at the moment you can almost walk across below the weir - hard to believe that there was about 4 metres of water above this spot at the end of last year.

I also spotted a duck and a brood of young - a bit far away to make a decent shot - I have included it in extras. There appear to be 13 ducklings - and a couple of them are hitching a ride on the back of the adult.

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