All that is beautiful

By sharob

It's raining mummy!

At this age, Clara was pretty rubbish with water, still is actually, she runs away like a screaming banshee if a drop falls half a metre near her - totally the opposite to Storm! Storm loves splashing and jumping and pouring and just generally loves being soaked! So, we are pretty happy with this little heat wave (and no water shortages) so we agave half filled the paddling pool which Storm loves to 'fall down' in! This flower is propelled by the water, so it just shoots water out in all directions .. Storm loves it - especially when she points it at a target - usually me!!! I loved her expression here as she pointed the water up and it all fell down around her, she looks as though she is in awe of her power to make it rain! :)

Now to try to get the girls in for bath and bedtime? A sleep in tomorrow morning perhaps??? It's been a full on day with no daytime naps so maybe, fingers crossed???

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