Happiness Is A Napping Cat

Good help is often hard to find, but my, what good help I had on this day! I had good help while changing the sheets on the bed. I had good help as I pulled summer clothes out of the closet. I had good help as I organized some things in the bedroom across the hall.

I pulled the huge, heavy green blanket off the bed and replaced it with a lighter blue one. I already have done a round or two of this over the past few months, but the last two times, the flannel sheets and thicker blankets ended up going back on again later. It's been a long, cool, damp spring.

But before I could take the green blanket and put it in the closet where it belongs, the blankie somehow attracted a cat. Blankets do that. So do empty boxes. They call them cat traps. Set one out; see how long you have to wait until you catch a cat.

This was the scene when I strolled back into the bedroom after my tasks. The sheets had been changed, the clothes put away. Dexter was snoozing happily with a tiny smile on his face. Hmm, it seems putting the green blanket away is going to have to wait, for now. For what monster would disturb a sleeping cat? Not me, that's for sure!

The soundtrack is Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler, with Love and Happiness. Their voices harmonize so well together; it's dreamy to listen to. If you enjoy this tune, you might just enjoy the whole album it came from: All the Roadrunning.

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