
By FrankS


Today was reported to be the hottest day of the year so far, up to 30 degrees (86 for our American cousins), though tomorrow is going to be hotter, but heavy rain is forecast for Friday.

I waited in vain for Parcel Force to deliver my new router, but to no avail. I suspect I'll be out walking the dog tomorrow when it arrives, sigh!

We decided to cool off with a drink by the river (tea for me, juice for Ann) and watch the people and boats. Dylan collapsed under the table on the RSC's riverside walkway. A good time was had by all.

Thought I'd mess about with Picasa on today's photo to try and reflect the heat of the day with this queue for ice creams. Not sure about the results, but hey, it's all art ;)

Emma came around for tea this evening. I did Sweet Potato Cakes with salmon and salad. Yummy tea. She also lent me her iPhone which has a WiFi hotspot - this worked a treat. I was able to connect my laptop and tablet with no problems. For once in my life I think iPhone may not be quite so bad.....

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