
I know I'm not alone in making lists, but they do seem to be the best way I've yet found of ensuring I get things done. I'm not forgetful, and I can prioritise well, but I've always worked best with my back against a deadline - lists seem to give me an order to getting things done when they simply aren't yet, or indeed may never be, urgent.
Some days I'm too restless - the hills are calling, the sun is shining - surely I can do this later? On those days ticking anything off the list is a plus, is a deal I make with myself so I can go out to play.
Some days simply making the list is the achievement.
And then there are days where it all clicks, I get my head down and suddenly I've done 40 out of the 42 things on the list - sure the 2 'big' tasks were neatly sidestepped, sure #9 was "go find a blip"* but hey that's a 95% completion rate and that's pretty good.

*Howgills from Firbank.

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