Hydrangea hedge

These are the hydrangeas that we got as wedding presents.  Yup, I put them on my registry!  We got a lucky 13 of them and planted them along our back property line.  

Our hydrangea hedge is looking real good this year with all the blooms.  We do not do anything to change the pH of the soil and just accept the colours as we get them.

Have been so thankful for this hedge since the last lot of renters who moved into the house behind us. Their yard is totally trashed and the hedge helps to hide it from my view!

I spent most of my morning getting both a manicure and pedicure as they are now going to have to last me for 3 months.  This afternoon I have been baking for both my bachelor neighbours and have just delivered the goods to them.  Now I just need to be able to sleep so I'll be worth something tomorrow as I begin my travels.

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