Mono Monday: Numbers

My penultimate confirmation session this morning had to be postponed.  Liz the Curate, who has been leading our preparations since the beginning of February, called me to say that Rachel (the other lady being confirmed) is unwell today, possibly with the 'flu.  I really hope that isn't what she has, and that she'll soon be feeling better.  It's just over a month now until our confirmation service at St Luke's in Tiptree, on Sunday 26th June.

With matters of faith therefore to the forefront of my mind today, the first thing I thought of for this week's Mono Monday challenge was the book of Numbers in the Bible.  The quote from it which I've overlaid onto the image is called The Lord's Blessing.  The sad thing is that the 170-year-old church in my photo - St Peter and St Paul's in Birch, Essex - has been closed for 25 years and is now derelict and surrounded by scaffolding and a corrugated iron fence.  Although it's a beautiful building, its days are apparently numbered as it is due for demolition in the near future.

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