Friday Foto

By drmackem


Did today in a different oder to usual, so just finished work at nearly 9pm, but took a couple of hours out 4-6 to meet up a friend Lawrence and then go for a tempo run on the roads.

It worked well breaking up the long day(first patient 7:30) like this.

Lawrence and I met because we had half a converstation on Sunday morning and both wanted to continue it. We talked about a lot, faith, passion, seasons, rest and rhythms. It was rejuvenating sitting and chatting with a trusted friend and a run left me productive and happy and still going 13hours later.

Todays blip is a some cow parsley I photographed, I was struck wondering how to photograph it about the repeating patterns which are part of it's nature, and also that though delicate and fragile and temporary how it bends and survives the wind in its season.

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