Salmon Reading in Bath!!

Having felt so rotten yesterday, I’d cancelled both my morning visit to the library and my afternoon book group today, but by lunchtime I’d perked up a bit and I managed to join my friends in sunny Bath after all. It was my turn to bake the cake, but at such short notice I only had time to whip up a hasty batch of biscuits. Nobody seemed to mind though, and they went down very well with a cuppa or, in my case, a can of my favourite poison!!

“Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” by Paul Torday – Written as a series of documents, eg emails, diary entries, interviews etc the book’s construction is very different from that of a conventional novel. This for me was a bit off-putting but others in the group enjoyed this way of writing and would recommend the book. If you’ve seen the film starring Ewan McGregor, you will be surprised by the novel’s very unexpected ending. I’m sitting on the fence as to whether I’d recommend it or not, but here’s a link to further reviews if you’re interested in giving the book a go: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen


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