Wonderful walking weather

Such a lovely morning so we decided to get out for a walk.

Didn't even need a jumper and just had my walking sandals on, no socks or anything.....it felt distinctly summerish :-)

We walked along the canal bank for a good 3 miles then stopped off for a drink at a very conveniently sited pub ;-) I had half of Coors Light, not something I hardly ever drink, but really enjoyed it.....hub had a glass of white wine. We got chatting to a lady whilst we were sat outdoors and ended up staying an hour, before we said our goodbyes and walked the 3 miles back to our car.

I took quite a few shots, the one I hoped to use was a pair of Canadian geese that were in the path of a narrow boat and I knew they would take off as it got closer, which they did, but stupid me, I had the wrong shutter speed and although I got the shot it's not sharp :-(
So instead I settled on this shot of one of the many farms along the canal bank.

Once home we had a quick sandwich for lunch.....and we planned on getting into the garden again but it clouded up and became a bit chilly so we did some boring household stuff instead :-/

I decided to make lamb burgers for dinner....trouble was when I looked at the mince it was pork, so spicy pork burgers it was, with jacket potatoes and salad ....think I'll put even more spices in next time... although there was garlic, chilli, cumin, coriander, sage, black pepper and salt, they could have done with a bit more umph!!!

It's turned into a lovely evening, the skies have cleared and it's now gloriously sunny again....not such a good forecast tomorrow though :-/

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