
By Jamjar

When I got up the skies were clear, but by the time I'd made a cup of tea clouds had appeared, covering the Carnedds where I planned to walk - but no matter because they soon disappeared again.

I left the car at the campsite and walked a couple of kilometres down the road to Glan Dena, the M.A.M. Club hut where I've stayed a couple of times with S, and set off up the track.  I did the scramble on the way up Pen yr Ole Wen, before walking the south ridge circuit which includes Carnedds Dafydd and Llewelyn... and also Pen yr Helgi Du which I didn't do in the end, descending directly to the lower, shorter path by the reservoir as I was mindful I'd still got the drive back to Derby.

I've back-blipped yesterday.

The extra is from the summit of Pen yr Ole Wen, showing the onward path.

9.05 miles
4 hours (excluding stops, as always)
1477 ft ascent

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