Tiny Tuesday's First Anniversary

I spent a fair amount of time at the nursery today buying some flowers for the backyard. Buying flowers generally doesn’t take that long, but I was busy working with the Lensbaby and my macro lens so managed to kill a fair amount of time and raise a few eyebrows. 

I think this little critter qualifies for Tiny Tuesday.  He was so small and so fast that I feel lucky to have this one shot with him in focus. 

I have finally seen one of my Baby Bluebirds.  When they fledged sooner than I expected, I worried that they had fledged too early and perhaps not survived.  I had seen Mom and Dad getting food and taking it up to the tall tree in our neighbor's backyard so I remained hopeful that’s where the babies were.  Sure enough, today, Dad had one of them at the feeder showing him the ropes.  Now I only have to worry about the other four.

Today marks one full year of Tiny Tuesdays.  Many thanks to WWombat for creating this blip tradition which started as May Macro Mayhem, to Trisharooni for giving it a name and to Becket for currently hosting.  Those Blue Mountain Aussies are such a clever bunch.  

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