The Tresses

Monday....I was still not feeling so great.  I ran Sugar to school, then stopped at the DMV to run an errand that has almost been a month in the waiting.  I don't like going to the DMV apparently.  Anyhow, I got that task done, and then went home.  I rested....and checked some work emails, and did some running of numbers for my boss, and so on.  I did do more editing of the recital photos....and time just flew.  Next thing I was time to go get Sugar from school.  I had a surprise for her.  I had called and set up an appointment for her first Salon haircut.  Her Aunt has always been the one to trim her hair, but lately, Sugar has been thinking about getting it cut.  Maybe even SHORT.  This is HUGE for her.  We spent time looking at some hairstyle photos....and came up with a plan.  This photo is to document how long it had finally gotten.  Her hair grows so I hope she likes the new cut......tomorrow!

We had spaghetti for did not help my tummy trouble, and snuggled into bed.  Love my little sleeping buddy.  I'm one blessed mama.

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