Buachaille Etive Beag

I was up and out of Amy's house by 9am, ready to climb Buachaille Etive Beag (munros: Stob Coire Raineach and Stob Dubh). It was an incredibly steep walk from the start, with an eventual cairn reached at a ridge, before heading left to bag the first munro, and then back to the centre and right to bag the next. There was absolutely no visibility the whole walk, but it did mean that I got to do some proper navigation work which was fun.  

I then headed off to see canoe club who were paddling the Etive. Two hours later and they had only managed a couple of the rapids, so I left to plan tomorrow. I knew that the weather was meant to be horrible everywhere but wanted to get an up-to-date forecast. Terrible signal meant that I ended up outside Amy's house stealing her wifi, and soon after she arrived back from work and invited me in. Somehow I ended up getting very distracted, had tea there, made a bee out of felt, and then stayed the night again! Thank you for having me Amy and Rowan :) 

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