
A not very productive but wonderfully social day today.
Coffee with big F this morning was our usual mix of business, fitness and mostly movie chatter.
 Then it was early afternoon cakes with TonyG and his lovely (& really quite inspiring) family - wonderful to meet then at last as they continue their mini tour of the UK - maybe Ireland as well next time....
From there it was a quick drive up to Rheghed to meet up with my mountaineering friend Bill who is on a whistle stop visit over from his new home in Slovakia.
Finally it was home in time to get changed and head out for food with my Aunt & Uncle who are pooch sitting for us tomorrow.

Philosophy Friday will serve as my update on the BIH for all of you who've been kind enough to ask;
"its snowing still" said Eeyore.
"so it is"
"and its freezing"
"is it?"
"yes" said Eeyore "it is"
"however" he said, brightening up a little,
"we haven't had an earthquake lately"

* Bee on purple sprouting broccoli. Yes I know its weird, but the flowers are yellow.

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