It's a jungle out there.....

After two great days in the hills it's been a catch-up day today.
Lots of emails answered, bookings confirmed and chores done.

BIH has definitely improved, and apart from the very strong painkillers the best treatment has been the deep tissue massage in the areas around my Occipital nerve, so today I was booked in for another session. It's a two edged sword really as whilst I know it will help massively it does make BIH flare up painfully, but the last two sessions have proven worthwhile, so I'm happy to bite my lip.

The trip to the optician was both literally and figuratively an eye opener, they do so much more than make you read the old chart now, am looking forward to the results even if it means new glasses for me to always forget to wear.....

Today's blip is one of the dozens ( almost certainly really hundreds) of Wolf Spiders that inhabit the gravel in the more formal part of our garden. I saw 3 females carefully carrying their egg cocoons, but they weren't for staying still and modelling, whilst this chap was actually quite keen to stand his ground. I know some of you like these little nature facts;
One of the key identifiers for this family of spiders (as opposed to say a similar in appearance nursery spider) is the eye arrangement. 4 small lower, 2 large middle and 2 smaller top. Of course it does mean you've got to get close enough to look them in the eyes.....

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