Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bon Apetit!

After yesterday's epic bluebird fledging event, I needed something different today so decided to head out into the yard with my macro lens.  It was so bloody hot that there wasn't much moving around.  Truthfully, it felt far more like July than May!  Just when I was about to settle for a mediocre shot of a bee, I spotted this spotless lady beetle...and it was eating something!  And you know how I love to find things in the "sex or predation" themes!

A little flip through my insect field guide gave me an ID on this native beetle, commonly called Spotless or Polished Lady Beetle (Cycloneda munda).  As for what it was best guess is a very tiny katydid or grasshopper nymph.  Hard to tell.   Wiser sources than I have confirmed that the pray is an "alate" (winged) aphid.  

When I got up this morning and looked out in the garden, I felt just a touch of sadness not seeing Monsieur or Madame standing guard over the nest box.  But, in hopes that they might be out there somewhere, I took a dish of fresh mealworms out and hung it on the branch where I always hang it.  I hadn't even made it to the back door when both adults bluebirds were at the dish, loading up on mealies!  Gave me a very big smile to know that they're up in the trees and that the know I'm bringing treats.  I suspect it will be a few weeks before they bring the kids around - best that they be kept safely up in the trees until they learn a few life skills.  But I'll be ready with mealworms when they show up.

As mentioned, it's stinking hot today so I plan to enjoy most of the rest of the afternoon inside where its cool.  We're heading out to dinner tonight with our neighbords, so guaranteed to have some laughs.

Thank you so very much for sending my fearless little baby bluebird to the Popular page today, and for sharing in my excitement/awe.  I wasn't totally prepared for the level of emotion I felt watching them each leave the box.  

Speaking of boxes, I think the 'dees are still in their box - at least they were this morning.  I don't dare open it in case they are still in there as they are big enough now to jump out and then I'd hate myself.  Not to mention that I've have to round up 7 scared little chickadees.  I'll watch it for awhile from inside to see if the parents are still coming and going.


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