Stick Man

Early morning ride round the woods in the sunshine with Sue and Winston and Jenny and Jason. Everyone up at the allotment when I got home so I did the walk schedules whilst I had some peace and quiet and emailed those off ahead of next week, by which time Mike and the kids arrived home for lunch, which we had sat on the patio.

Then we picked up the van from the garage and Mike and Tobes headed into Loughborough to pick up some inflatable beds and some beer from Charnwood brewery ready for our trip to see the Davey's in Cornwall. Me and Eva went to Lyra's stick man party at Beaumanor hall. Eva was a little clingy to start with but soon got into it. She adores Mark, Bryony's husband who is just the best kids entertainer. Bryony should definitely hire him out! He had Eva squealing with laughter. It was a lovely chilled out party.

At home we played in the garden and made dinner. Then gave the chooks a quick bath to clean up their bums. One of the chooks looked to be on her way out, not eating or drinking a few days back. I went to the farm shop and bought some supplements and wormer and she seems to have picked up a bit since. Still not looking too good though.

Got a second coat on the bedroom wall then baking and packing. Time for bed now.

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