I did it!!

Was an amazing feeling to get back to Windsor race course and finish the event. The entrance was lined with people clapping and cheering. 106km- officially the furthest I have ever been on a bike.

I really really enjoyed it- all of it. The last 25km after the last toilet/feed station stop was definitely the hardest. I can't believe I have done it.

Write up below so I don't forget any of it!;

We got to Windsor race course around 5pm. Registration was quick and easy and we got out pink rtn tabbards. Loads of women had dressed up in tutus etc. We knew it was challenge enough for us without having any discomfort from extra clothing but I did dress my bike up with pink flamingo lights and glowing cacti! And we had pink and black stripey leg warmers.

We found Sal, Jo, Helen, Tash, Tina and Lizzie and also met up with Jo's friend Michelle who's story had been used on lots of the publicity stuff so she got interviewed again and met Rachael Riley (much to the boys consternation) who is a sort of patron of the event. Sal had her photo taken with Rachel Riley too and got her email address with the promise of 8 out of 10 cats tickets) She's met her before when she went to see countdown being filmed!

We got some food, had a wander round then before we knew it the first wave of riders were setting out. We were in the second wave at 9.30 but we didn't get going till about 9.50 as they were setting off 50 at a time and we were towards the back. It was so slow to get going, lots of stopping and starting till the crowd thinned again but I'd say we didn't get to ride at our own pace till way after the first feed station stop at 25km. Was such a pain having to stop at all the red lights- made it hard going.

The route took in all the main sights in London- Buckingham palace, the mall and Westminster bridge just as Big Ben was bonging 1am! One of the ladies in the rtn Facebook page had the idea for as many as possible to take a long a rose to lay on Westminster bridge to remember those affected by the terror attacks. It was very poignant being there in the middle of the night. The London eye was lit up pink in support of the event.

We reached the last feed stop at 3.30am. It would have been good to keep going if hadn't needed the loo as i got a bit cold and the last 25km was a bit of a slog with the only steep climb of the route at Tite hill which was actually nothing compared to the hills round us. Most people walked up out but me, Jo and Rosie managed it and it was a blast down the other side.

I was sad the three of us got split up from the rest of the group but it was impossible to stay together with so many people and everyone wearing pink tabbards! Rosie had a small mechanical and it was perfectly timed that as we got going again, Sal and the others caught us up at some lights but then we got separated again and the feed stations were manic!

Just a brilliant event and one I'll never forget.

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