The second half of life..

By twigs


A brighter day than yesterday :)  Sunshine adn the chance to get some washing done and dried.  Had a call from I in Scotland which was nice.  It always amazes me how we can natter and natter and pass a substantial amount of time despite not having seen him for ......... years!  He's just one of those guys who is so easy to talk to :)  Thanks I - I really appreciated your call and the (kind of!) promise of a get together next year, all going well.

Had visitors today too - J then L & M :)  Thanks for the visits, the time, the chats, the plant, the games, the soup and the biscuits.  I know I'm not good company just now but things will improve.  I will get myself sorted and I will be better company soon.  

LB continues to be very nervous about coming in to the house and I didn't see him again all day until well after dark.  We've had 'a chat' this evening and I'm hopeful we'll both be feeling a lot better about our new lives very soon.  As I type this he's asleep on the office floor which is a good sign.

My nightcap tonight is 2 cups of this lovely 'medicine' - a recipe to deal to my cold bugs rapidly I hope.......1 tsp grated root ginger, juice of half a lemon from tree in garden, 1 tsp high potency manuka honey......all mixed with hot water.  Thanks to TMLHereAndThere for the prompt to get some lemon and honey into me........the ginger was just an added whim which worked beautifully :)

(T & F - do you recognise the mug?)

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