Going to the Dogs

Featuring our daughter Pam, her friend Emma with little Grace, organised by Pam and her friend Tracy (pictured on the top right of the bottom photo, Pam on the left), lots of greyhounds and about ten thousand children – or at least that’s how it felt.
In all honesty it was a grand evening – Pauline and I went more than two years ago with the FNDG Xmas dinner party and enjoyed it then.
Pam and her friend Tracy organised it to celebrate their burpdays.  There were twenty of us including the children.  To add to the occasion they sponsored a race, and got to present the award.  We all went down to join the presentation, and the bottom image is the kids petting the winning greyhound, ‘Best Star’.  Little Grace is at the front with her brother Jack.  Terrible quality I’m afraid – the light was all over the place with the track lights, and the flash in the telephone just could not compete. Mrs W had bet (a pound) on ‘Best Star’ and won about forty pence I think.  The Tote does not make you a fortune!!
I’m well behind with comments etc at the moment – will catch up soon.

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