Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378


So, I have this friend, a very best friend, and that, she has been from the very second that we met....kind
I met this girl about a year and a bit ago, in an orchestra we were both playing in.
Although we didn't speak, we were both scrabble crazy on our iPhones, and so strangely yet quickly forged a friendship through the little messages you can send at the end of every game.
We didn't see eachother for about 6 months, but still the games and the chat continued, and our friendship continued to build also....its strange how much you can learn about a person over a game of

This person now, I consider one of my closest friends.....She is so caring, so beautiful, she understands me.....and I her...we are so f@*%ed up similar, it really is quite freaky!!!
This girl seems to be able to sense when I need her, or when I need space....and she never questions me...This girl can almost tell when I breathe for crying out loud!!!!...she never lectures me, and I know she may not always approve, but nonetheless, she stands by me and cares for me....

This going away for a while on tour and although I am so excited for her...i will miss her dreadfully....what will I do without her???....but I know she will be back, and so, until then I have the privilege of the company of "Bulls eye"....
This horse is from Toy Story, and I have always wanted one!!!!!
Last week, miss bru gave me this as a present, and I was so excited i nearly fell over!!!!

So, me and bullseye it is, against the world....well, just till Jen gets back....

I love this girl...she is what a friend is all about.....and I love this wee man...hehehehe....he even has ANDY printed on his feet.....bless!!!!

"....Jenna......from Angela....x

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