snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

I'm watching you...

This little girl was in the park with her grandmother at the same time I was there letting pippi run steam off. After my rocket of a dog ran past her too close, she was a bit ruffled, and watching me with suspicion. Probably wondering what my rabid dangerous dog would do next.

grandma was alas not too helfpul, thought my dog was sweet and cute and therefore told the child not to fuss... NOT what she wanted I am sure. Still, she was nice and quiet, just gave me the dark eye.

Soooo cute!

In other news I think some schools were closed second day in a row because it was below freezing (only in England...), and today the roads up here in Bradford were covered in thick wet snow and it was utter chaos. And every time this happens (maybe twice a year?) the British whine about how towns in Sweden or Switzerland can get tons of snow and still cope with business-as-usual, and hint at scandal and shame that in the UK it stops everything. Never mind that these towns' snow handling budgets are 100 times larger and that if councils in this country spent the money on machinery and staff that is needed to cope fully with the 2 snowfalls a year, people would have a total fit too... I think working on a city council must be a real thankless job.

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