It's the Christmas countdown

The Christmas blips start from now - my mission is to find a different Christmas blip each day...

Here are some Christmas cards I made earlier - three of these will head off to Australia and New Zealand tomorrow as it's the last airmail date for posting Christmas stuff out there. Kev and Dave, I know I've spoilt the surprise a bit, but you don't know exactly which of the four guinea pig Christmas cards you are being sent...

I'm feeling a bit more human now, so I think I'll head back to work tomorrow. I spent most of the day in bed with a therapeutic cat hat purring on my head - I think Whisky was delighted to have a bonce to warm his cold paws on! I had two trips outside today - once to the compost heap and then an evening trip to Gary and Debby at chip shop. The Christmas decorations are up around the counter and there's a very fine Christmas tree in the corner.

My first Christmas card arrived today along with a card to confirm the Christmas holiday cottage that F and I have booked. Exciting!

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