The future

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A young Godzilla, or, a young blackbird to you guys... I still call them the collective name of Godzilla's! I'm not sure who this one belongs to, he lives in the front garden, & does have all the same mannerism & behaviour as Elgar, so he could be an Elgar offspring, but I never saw him being fed so I can't give you a 100% parentage. But Elgar hardly chases him away, so it is a possibility. I know Elgar is getting old, I think this could probably be his last season, I'm not sure, but the fact he's around, & tame & staying, could mean he's trying to muscle into the territory.


All quiet on the western front

Lovely delicious hot day, I so love the heat, I don't love the fact that there are no butterflies here though, or, hardly any.. not many bees either. That 2 months of solid wet weather has really done for them, so it's rather sad in a way.

Hottest day by far due tomorrow, can't wait!!! :) xxx

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